Mantus Marine
Anchors & Mooring Solutions

The highest quality and most reliable mooring equipment
Mantus Marine was founded in 2011, Houston, Texas, USA and prides itself on designing and manufacturing the highest quality and most reliable mooring equipment on the market.
Mantus offer a wide range of mooring products, including galvanised steel and stainless-steel yacht anchors, anchor bridles, snubbers, chain hooks and bow rollers, all their designs have been born from real-world testing and go through rigorous sea trials before they get to market.
The Mantus anchor range is designed to “dig in like no other anchor”! They will penetrate any seabed type including dense, grassy bottoms, and set with unparalleled holding power. When tested, Mantus anchors set faster and deeper than any other tested anchor, including Rocna, Manson Supreme, Bulwagga, Fortress, Bruce, CQR and Danforth anchors.
The unique Mantus design makes them incredibly easy to store, breaking down into a compact unit enabling you to stow one or two as spares without taking up much needed boat space.
Products include the Quick Connect Anchor designed for small dinghies/tenders and boats up to 25ft, The M1 cruising and powerboat yacht anchor, and the M2 Anchor for boats with bow sprits and bow pulpits, plus a full range of anchor bridles, chain hooks and mooring accessories.
Please Contact Us for further details on our full range of products or click Mantus Marine to buy now.
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